Friday, April 27, 2007

In the beginning...

"Words, words, words" -- Hamlet

"In the beginning was the Word" -- Apostle John

The proliferation of blogs seems to be saying something similar to Andy Warhol's Mona Lisa -- what is the point of a masterpiece if it can be reproduced ad infinitum? The explosion of words has rendered them almost meaningless. Who can hope to say anything worth saying? Who would read it? Perhaps it is enough that these words exist in cyberspace as electronic blips on a server somewhere. Are they ideas in the mind of a silicon god?

And yet write we must. There is something essentially human about keeping a written record of our thoughts. So begins my blogging journey...

1 comment:

tdl said...

I wanted the claim of being the first to post on this blog, which may be a feat worth something some day as people discover it. Hope the journey goes well!